Urban Portrait Realism

A simple prompt to generate some realistic city people.

The cities and mansions that people dream of are those in which they finally live.

Lewis Mumford

All images are generated with Colab notebook included in the Quick Start Guide.

Positive prompt:

a young female, highlights in hair, sitting outside restaurant, brown eyes, wearing a dress, side light

Negative prompt:

disfigured, ugly, bad, immature

CFG scale 7
Sampling steps 20
Image size 512×704
Seed -1
Face restoration Codeformer
Sampling method Euler a
Model F222

Technical notes

  • I used F222 model but the base model 1.4 or 1.5 are really not that far off.
  • Change “female” to “male” to generate a male model. The attire keywords needs to be changed accordingly of course.
  • Attire ideas: “dress”, “fashion dress”, “suit”, “casual clothing”
  • You can play with the lighting. Some options: “rim lighting”, “back light”
  • Negative prompts “ugly”, “disfigured” and “bad” are used to suppress unattractive models and twisted body parts.
  • Negative prompt “immature” was used to suppress overage boys or girls…