Removing extra limbs using Stable Diffusion Inpainting

A common issue in Stable Diffusion AI images is that limbs may not be generated…

Precise Cutting Tools

These swords were created using image-to-image. It did require more work but you would get…

Generating Prompts for Stable Diffusion

Can ChatGPT generate high-quality prompts for Stable Diffusion? The answer is yes. But you will…

Understanding Depth-to-Image in Stable Diffusion 2

Depth-to-image (Depth2img) is an under-appreciated model in Stable Diffusion v2. It is an enhancement to…

Enhance AI Image Accuracy: Simple Strategies

Generated a Stable Diffusion AI image but not quite what you want? In this article,…

Exploring Stable Diffusion 2.0: A Comprehensive Overview

Stable Diffusion 2.0 was released. Improvements include among other things, using a larger text encoder…

Cartoonize Photo Using Stable Diffusion

It’s never easier to turn a photo into cartoon, thanks to Stable Diffusion. In this…

Riverside Haven

Realistic illustration of a nineteen century town.Live your life. Take chances. Be crazy. Don’t wait.…

Gemstone Decoration Patterns

Some close-ups of expensive things.Fashion’s finest gems brought to life by Stable DiffusionAll images are…

Legendary RPG Characters Unleashed

WarriorSummonerWizardWizardRangerMageEnchanterElfBerserkerAssassinSome prompts for generating full-body character graphics for fantasy games or RPG.Our journey will never end.All…